unleash your untapped.

real-time sentiment data driving improved performance and wellbeing

is proud to present…


A fully automated, free trial providing an immediate snapshot of how your people are feeling right now.


A targeted, amplified and acute application of moodflx to use anytime and anywhere in your organisation.


The full suite providing real-time, objective data enabling agile leadership and true agile business change.

Why moodflx?

The power is in the real time insights and the measurable and modifiable factors that can improve emotional health, team connection and cohesion. This will enable better decisions for your organisation as you lead through today’s challenges and opportunities.

Comparing other ‘mood’ apps with Moodflx is like comparing a folded roadmap in your glove box with the satellite navigation system on your mobile device/dashboard.

Paul Salmon

Founder and CEO

At moodflx you will find we do a lot a little bit different when it comes to mood.

We truly believe that knowing how your people feel in real time is data that can transform your business.

Innovation around how mood data impacts performance and wellbeing requires innovative thinking and a bold approach.

We have the science, the evidence, the analysis, the insights and the expertise to support your culture of care journey.

moodflx – helping you make [mood] data informed decisions

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Real-world Business Challenges

  • Flexible / Hybrid Work
  • Constant Organisational Change
  • Workforce Fatigue
  • Psychosocial Hazard Management
  • Workforce Connectedness
  • Leadership Capability & Team Cohesion …
all of these impact, and are impacted by, the emotional health of your workforce.
We start with normalising how we feel. We deliver powerful new insights. We identify and nudge modifiable actions. We create opportunities for new connections. We enhance wellbeing, performance and productivity

Real time insights that nudge positive changes to benefit individuals, teams & organisations.

An Exciting New Opportunity

We have the opportunity to:


actionable insights for individuals, people leaders and organisations.


new insights and understanding of emotional health of self, team and organisation. Measure, navigate and modify mood affecting factors instantly and over time.


to improved employee wellbeing experience and organisational productivity.

Evidence-based & grounded in research

In partnership with Deakin University researchers and rigorous scientific research and digital innovation, moodflx is improving the evidence behind, and accessibility of mood navigation.

The ‘Circumplex of Affect’

Addressing positive and negative mood

‘Ecological Momentary Assessment’

Instant data and insight

‘Mood in Context Analytics’

Environment and lifestyle impacts on mood

‘User research studies’

Efficacy of mood input and app engagement

The Organisational flx

    • ‘Flexibility is “the quality of bending without breaking”. moodflx provides the manager with real-time insights and evidence-based actions to support employees, before it results in behavioural change, loss of productivity, absenteeism, or before ‘breaking point’.
    • The Organisational flx: moodflx provides real time, rich data, which enables you to build empowered and self-regulated teams, allocate resources where they are needed, acknowledge growth and engagement, reward, be an employer of choice, lead the mood revolution in your business and offset liability.
    • moodflx provides proactive approaches to enhance employee wellbeing, productivity and organisational performance.
Never before has there been a real time, data informed snapshot of your organisation and its people.

Every moment of every day

moodflx captures the lifestyle and environmental factors that impact your moods helping you manage healthy emotions at work and in your daily life.

Physical Activity


Sedentary Time



& more


Stand Time

Want to know how your organisation feels about ANYTHING at ANYTIME – welcome to the POWER OF THE PULSE!

  • Gauge the emotional engagement of your people in real time
  • Whole of organization, division, team, or location…
  • Quick ROI with real time data insights on responses
  • Enhance performance and productivity
  • TEAM PULSE is a great way to emotionally connect with your people and reinforce the importance and impact of how they feel!

Latest Features

Direct Messaging
Our unique team pulse feature, providing real time survey capabilities, now comes with a direct messaging capability to share results and outcomes with your people in real time. Making sure they know how they feel really matters!
Team Rewards
Reward teams for unleashing their untapped – – – together! moodflx will accumulate flx points accrued from specific teams resulting in higher engagement, stronger connectivity and greater impact.

Privacy is a priority

The individual controls the ability to share personal data…
  • NO personal information requested whilst onboarding
  • Defaults to anonymous on every input
  • User decides if they want to identify themselves
  • Users grouped into 20 people
  • Permission is required for most personal data [ie: activity, sleep etc]
  • If a user is ‘red flagged’ they are provided both help line support as well as EAP access
Platform defaults to anonymous after each input
Speak to us about how much we care more about how you feel and not who you are


Already have an integrated HR or EAP platform?
moodflx provides an open API to enable efficient integration and the secure data exchange with other software platforms, such as an existing HRIS, EAP or applications. This ensures that anonymised moodflx data and insights can be used to enhance existing business processes, systems and reporting. White label options are also fully available.

Your team Untapped!

  • LIVE emotional pulse of your organization taking in trends, location, division and individual mood state analysis
  • ‘Red Flag’ feature warning of any sustained negative mood states over a 2 week period
  • Team Pulse time framed with results down to location and division, downloadable pdf’s for same day presentations
  • EMA data immediate and objective 
  • Immediate, real-time insights 
  • Long-term measurement/indicators of leadership capabilities and leadership decision impact  
  • Insights around organizational change effectiveness (evaluative capabilities) 
  • Real-time feedback on organization change initiatives 
  • Evaluation of leadership capabilities  
  • Empowered employees / collective voice 
  • Targeted employee-specific resources  
  • Evidence-based contexts- to frame targeted organizational decisions

Meet moodflx.

moodflx is the only emotion and mood insights platform for organisations and their people that incorporates hard data from locations as well as environmental and behavioural factors that directly impact mood and are measurable and modifiable.

Our Clients

Our Clients

Moodflx is a unique assessment tool designed to promote awareness and acceptance of the full range of moods we experience, both positive and negative, raising awareness of contextual cues for emotion, in real-time.

Professor Craig Olsson, PhD

Alfred Deakin Professor/Director, Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development

I think it’s incredible. Never have people professionals had live, tangible data to tap into and guide engagement activity. For decades we’ve been sending out periodic surveys that only deliver the basics and are inaccurate the next week.

Jessie Ivancic

Head of HR – SSO & TA | People and Culture

We don’t care who you are, we really care how you feel

Paul Salmon

Founder and CEO

Digital applications like moodflx represent the future for individuals and their employers to track, manage, and engage with their health and wellbeing.
“Health tech is at the heart of what we do through our AIA Vitality program, which is why we have been so excited to partner with moodflx to help it test and develop its offering.

Damien Mu

AIA Australia CEO and Managing Director

Award winning

2019 winner at the Microsoft AI for Accessibility Challenge Participant in the prestigious 2020 Headstream Accelerator by Pivotal Ventures (part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)

moodflx Hive

The Wisdom of the Crowd driving city engagement

moodflx_cityfeelswhite 1

powered by Moodflx

A world first real-time sentiment data platform

moodflx Hive unlocks the potential of the crowd and gives you access to the accumulated knowledge of thousands of diverse contributors via a single tool

The moodflx platform facilitates access to general or specific interest groups through selected promotions and touchpoints locally, or globally.
Rather than conducting simplistic surveys, moodflx Hive harnesses the wisdom of the crowd using our proven mood analytics platform.
moodflx Hive lets you mine the collective expertise of the crowd to produce actionable intelligence, specific to your needs, whatever your objective.

City Feels is a bold initiative to create a new age city that leverages real-time sentiment data to improve experiences, reward usage and build a productive, resilient and strong city economy.

City Feels is to be a global initiative to better understand the emotional pulse of a city using cutting edge, evidence based, mood navigation technology. A simple yet powerful community activation designed to connect cities with both residents and visitors in a sustainable and caring way.

Contact us