powered by moodflx
A world's first real-time sentiment data platform taking the pulse of our cities
A Mood Economy
Never has a city taken its own pulse in real time, let alone use this data to drive a new economy. City Feels is an iconic program designed to create a deeper connection to self, others and place.
Part of a bold vision to create a new age city that leverages real time sentiment data to improve experiences, reward usage and build a productive, resilient and strong city economy.

Driving a new age of city engagement
City Feels will create a more connected city, one’s that celebrate how its people feel through cutting edge mood analysis technology, that improves the city experience for users and provides real time insights to Town Hall enabling rapid and more targeted responses.
City Feels [powered by moodflx] are building a global network of emotionally connected cities that uses a real time pulse of the city to connect and reward users, whilst supporting city traders and activating the new ‘mood economy’.