
A targeted, amplified and acute application of

moodflx to use anytime and anywhere in your


How moodflx ‘sonic’ works

moodflx goes sonic!

sonic is a targeted, amplified and acute application of moodflx that you can use anytime or anywhere you want in your organisation. sonic has been designed to focus on one team or cohort at a time to enhance engagement and connection and allow for greater flexibility in application across the business.
sonic will deepen leadership’s understanding of how a specific team or cohort is feeling and impact decisions at the highest level allowing organisational ‘moodflx mobility’. Running sonics sequentially over time and across teams increases engagement, connectivity and specificity (e.g. specificity of understanding, acknowledgement and resource allocation).
sonic encourages a playful competitive environment that rewards individual and team engagement [team v team] whilst `building a culture of care’. sonic provides the real-time, objective data to promote employee voice, enable immediate feedback and enhance connection.

Capture the collective expertise of the crowd

Rather than conducting simplistic surveys, moodflx Hive harnesses the wisdom of the crowd using our proven mood analytics platform. moodflx Hive lets you mine the collective expertise of the crowd to produce actionable intelligence, specific to your needs, whatever your objective. The power is in the real time insights and the measurable and modifiable factors that describe, and can improve emotional health. This will enable better decisions for your brand as you lead through today’s challenges and opportunities as they relate to the customer journey. Integration with your specific objectives and features, as well as white labelling of the platform, creates a ‘unique to you’ customer wellbeing experience.

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